Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Earth Day Celebration

after watching the movie entitled inconvenient truth, it leads us to somehow open our eyes with what is happening to our earth today. Somehow even we are not one of the greatest polluters in the Earth we succumb to consequences made by our neighboring countries. Scientist warned us that when all ice melt the water level is expected to rise and soon wipe some part of the lands. We dont want it to happen do we? Philippines is my Country and we know we are bounded by large amount of water, and we are 1 on the danger list, if the water level rises our Country would be wipe out and it will be underwater, We all know we can't live underwater unless we develop gills.

From now we need to make changes but how?. We are intelligent enough to create machines that produces carbon dioxide so much and thus it means we can also overcome this crisis. We have everything we need. I suggest all people should work on this since all of us are in danger. We should learn how to Save our Planet. First we should be conscious with what are we doing with our Nature, We need to act know as soon as possible even in simple ways.

We should lessen the use of CFC's and as well plant more trees. Efficient use of Energy is another way to lessen the carbon dioxide we produce each day. Ban the use of fossil fuels, and improve the use of recycled materials. we are called only consumers if we can't recycle things we consumed. From this If only one will work we can't see any improvement at all but if all will cooperate and thus Help soon enough our Planet Earth will be back with the way it used to be.

Adobe Photoshop

Sunday, April 20, 2008

An Evaluation of the Corporate Identity of Knights of Columbus

Knights of Columbus have a uniform code. The official dress for candidates for the Fourth Degree Exemplification are black tie, white shirt. black footwear, and tuxedo. KofC colors has a meaning it simbolizes purity. Most of them are religious people and thus it represents them. they can wear black or white eitherway it has the same meaning. Some uses black because of geographical features like in cold places. But here in the Philippines most KofC members uses white due to our geographical features, the climate is hot. If KofC used black it will be more hotter for them.

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